Why Trends are Key for your Social Strategy

Why Trends are Key for your Social Strategy

 "Don't focus on trends."

How many marketers have you seen preach this misguided advice?

This simplistic view overlooks the complexities of digital marketing. The truth is, trends are not mere flashes in the pan; they are powerful tools that can significantly boost your brand's discoverability, community and engagement.

Here’s why social media trends matter and how they can benefit your brand.

Increased Visibility

One of the most compelling reasons to engage with social media trends is the increased visibility they offer. Trends attract a large and diverse audience. By participating in trending topics or challenges, your content is more likely to be seen by a wider audience beyond your usual followers. This expanded reach can introduce your brand to potential new followers who might not have discovered you otherwise.


Engaging with trends demonstrates that your brand is current and in tune with what's happening in the world. This relevance can make your brand seem more relatable and timely to your audience. When people see that your brand is participating in the same conversations they care about, it can create a sense of community and connection.


Trend-based content often generates higher engagement rates. This is because trends are what people are already interested in and talking about. By tapping into these existing conversations, you can create content that resonates more deeply with your audience, leading to increased likes, comments, shares, and overall interaction.

Community Connection

Your community loves trends because they foster a sense of connection and shared experience. When your audience sees your brand participating in the same trends they enjoy, it strengthens their emotional bond with your brand. Trends create a common ground where you and your followers can engage in a fun, collective experience, enhancing their sense of belonging to your brand’s community.

Algorithm Boost

Social media platforms often prioritize trending content. By creating posts related to current trends, you can take advantage of this algorithmic favor, which can further boost your content's reach. This increased exposure can lead to more followers and greater brand awareness.

Gateway to Hero Content

Trends can serve as a hook to draw in new followers. Once they discover your brand through a trending post, they can then explore your hero content— the core messages and offerings that define your brand. Trend-based content acts as a gateway, leading potential followers to deeper engagement with your brand's primary content.

Balance Trends with Core Content

While trends are valuable for discoverability and engagement, it's crucial to balance them with your core content. Here’s how you can integrate trends effectively:

  • Adapt Trends to Your Brand: Ensure that the trends you participate in align with your brand's voice and values. maintains consistency and authenticity in your messaging. 

  • Quality Over Quantity: Not every trend is right for your brand - choose carefully the ones that fit your brand narrative or that resonate with your audience.

  • Use Trends as a Gateway: Think of trend-based content as the appetizer that leads viewers to the main course—your hero content. Ensure there’s a clear path from your trend content to your more substantive, brand-centric content.

  • Measure and Adjust: Monitor the performance of your trend-based posts. Analyze what works and refine your strategy accordingly.


Social media trends are not just fleeting moments but strategic tools that can drive discoverability and engagement. By thoughtfully integrating trends into your social media strategy, you can expand your reach and create more opportunities for followers to connect with your brand.

Embrace trends as part of a balanced approach, and you’ll unlock new pathways to connect with your audience and enhance your brand’s presence.


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