How to Pick the Right Personal Brand Agency

How to Pick the Right Personal Brand Agency

Not all personal brand agencies are created equal. 

There's a lot of my clients that come to me AFTER they have wasted time and money with another personal brand agency. 

While executive social media can have a huge impact to your business - it can also make a huge impact if done wrong. 

Some criteria below to help you evaluate:

Criteria #1 | Do they come from a Brand Marketing / Social Media Background?

  • Do they have a marketing degree with years of experience?
  • Have they actually built large corporate brands to understand the macro strategy or is it just based on what they have learnt on the internet about personal branding?

Criteria #2 | Does The Personal Branding Agency have any Partnerships that can help?

  • Building a personal brand does not happen in isolation so it's important to consider how they work with the ecosystem and if they are certified partners.
  • It's not just about creating great content - it's about creating great content in the context of the social media algorithms.

Criteria #3 | Does The Personal Branding Agency Connect Your Goals To ROI?

  • Do they work with not only your personal brand objectives, but also business objectives?
  • Have they worked as Marketing Leaders to help you not only understand, but also help you set these objectives? 
  • Do they have social management technology to help you analyze and audit your presence and your competitors presence?

Criteria #4 | Have they been a part of an executive team?

  • As a CEO or Executive you know better than anyone with experience comes understanding. It's hard to advise on a personal brand if you haven't been in that seat.
  • Hiring a personal brand consultant that has led teams and been part of very nuanced executive conversations can be very helpful - especially in times of crisis management on social media. 

Criteria #5 | Am I getting Bespoke or just Cookie Cutter Advice?

  • Are they customizing the process to our brand, industry, team members or just giving us a cookie cutter personal brand advice they give every client?
  • Are they going to create custom content pillars and topics for us, or just use generic content pillars that everyone in our industry is using?

Criteria #6 | Do they Practice what they Preach?

  • Are they investing in their personal brands with genuine content or simply buying their followers with advertising? How has that impacted them and their business? 
  • Are they on all the different social platforms to understand their unique ecosystems and nuances?


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 Need bespoke help with your Executive Social Strategy? 

We have masterclasses, and executive ghostwriting packages for CEOs, Founders and Executives. Contact Us to Unleash your Brand's Potential. The Brand Audit is proud to be a TikTok Creator Network Partner, HubSpot Partner, Hootsuite Partner and LinkedIn Alumni.


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